YSC Advantage

Innovative Virtual Education

Leveraging academic research and ten years of experience with elite student-athletes, YSC Advantage has developed a unique student-centered education rarely found in a virtual platform.

Our educational model places the student at the center of their learning. We understand that the demands of an elite student-athlete are unique, and we are committed to supporting them with their academic and athletic pathways.


Knowing our students deeply, we tailor the learning environment to fit their needs.  We utilize a hybrid approach to education with mentors that meet with students to prioritize and manage their academics. We offer both live and recorded lessons designed for the flexibility that every student-athlete needs to succeed in their academic and athletic journey.

This translates into a highly caring and personalized environment
led by teachers specializing in developing the next generation of

Click below to register for a live information session. Our next session is:

  • Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US)
  • Monday, February 10th at 4:00 PM Eastern Time (US)

Learn more about how YSC Advantage can provide you an education tailored just for you, providing flexibility to maximize your school and soccer schedules.



We built our education based upon: 


• Designing best practices for learning based on the brain changes during adolescence

Understanding the importance of relationships and human connection between students and teachers/mentors

• Creating alignment between school and soccer for the mental well-being of the student-athlete

Developmentally appropriate practices for middle and high school student-athletes

• Accelerating executive function skills (e.g. time management skills, decision making) and their relationship to game intelligence on the field

'Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a Day. Teach a Man To Fish, and You Feed Him for a Lifetime.' Advantage students are being gently guided by a teacher while building the ultimate skill-set needed for self-directed and life-long learning. They work with their teacher to design their own schedules and goals then evaluate and adjust those schedules and goals as often as they need. They are in control of setting up regular times to meet with their teacher, as well as, communicating when they need more. Not only are they paying attention to their personal growth as students, but they are also working towards mastery because they are able to redo and rework assignments. Ultimately, they are figuring out that they have the tools to learn anything on their own. That being said, they are building a strong bond with a teacher that is flexible, available, and understanding of what is demanded of them outside of school. Since they have a lot of one on one time with their mentor, they are able to speak beyond school subjects and get to know each other which makes learning more comfortable and personal.

Susan Kroll, YSC Advantage Instructor